One of the things I've learned in the design business, is definitely learning to breathe! I got commissioned to do the logo for a very popular national race here in Costa Rica, called the Tamarindo Beach Marathon. At first, the owner wanted to do something very similar to it's previous logo, and it was extremely hard to get him to like anything. He wanted to keep the runner vector and some very ugly waves and typography, but at the same time wanted a more modern logo...yet not contemporary (I'm sure by now you're asking yourself WTF?...well, so did I for weeks)! By my fourth round of logo sketching, I came up with this beautiful logo...keeping the runner but changing the waves and typography. A very nice modern look to a race that I like to classify as 'popular' since many young adults love to do it because of its location: the beach! At the end of the day, he got another designer to do his logo. So here I show you the one chosen (above) and one of the many I did (below), so you can ask yourself the second WTF?! BUT, such is life in the tropics, as we like to say,...win some, lose some.